An Adult Walking Hand in Hand with a Child at Sunset
a cinematic screengrab of a child holding their mother's hand walking --ar 16:9
Simply paste this prompt into Midjourney using version 6 (--v 6, which it currently defaults to) for the best results! Always maintain an aspect ratio of 16:9 when working with AI image-to-video workflows, as well.
a cinematic screengrab of a child holding their mother's hand walking --ar 16:9
Once you have your desired Midjourney output, head over to and import your media. Press the "AI image-to-video" button, wait a few seconds for your clip to generate, and you're all set! Be sure to wait until the smoothing is complete on your clip prior to downloading it as well. Once your clip has finished generating, you have the option to upscale it to 4k using the '4k' button, extend it, or edit multiple clips together on the timeline editor. The possibilities are endless in FinalFrame!